Tuesday, January 9, 2007


I'm not happy again...
And everyone around me can see it.
My friends say he's not enough...
And I'm nodding my head, yes.
They say he doesn't appreciate me...
And all I can do is agree.
I can't see my Romeo anymore...
And all I do is compair him to the last.
When I said I was alright I didn't mean it...
And he should have known that.
Instead the lights backed down the driveway...
And he left me in the dark.
If it had been Bun, he would have waited...
And not driven away till I was safely inside.
But now I'm here in this hell hole of a house...
And I'm crying because I'm angry
I'm so angry at the world, at him, at my life...
And I don't know why.

1 comment:

MaryLeola said...

You're sistas are with you through everything sweetie. I know there's nothing i can say that will make any of it better...but we love you!